Well, Grandparents Day is on The 8th Of September, in case you didn’t know.
Talking about grandparents is like an oozing feeling because it cannot stop at one or two stories, there’s a whole roll of stories one after the other, with layers of affectionate love, mad laughs, serious secrets, lip-smacking food, private parties, hugging each time at greetings ( coz touching feet is too old style), quarreling, shouts & fights, and oh so many.
But Nana Nanis & Dada Dadi are the best persons in the family. Yes, their experience speaks.
Everyone has a different code with their grand’s & we all love them so much. Thank yous are less to give them back. The amount of love they have showered us right from the moment we were born till now, is immense & unmeasurable.
I am sure your dadi must have shared you that story where she held you for the first time, & how your eyes looked when you came to the world. What would your Mom do without Nani? She was the official caretaker & instructor of your pre-birth & newborn baby days.
Grand’s are the one who gave you your first oil massage when you were an infant, your first gifts & kisses. The ones to always shield you from your parents & strangers. They are your oldiecutie superheroes & superwoman.
And that story where your Nanu shared his struggling days when he set up his first business, bringing those coins back to home in ample & the value of those coins. Let’s not talk about the political judgments And oh that story when your Nani shared of her early marriage & the battles she fought while your parents grew up. She is a warrior, isn’t she?
They are a power pack of inspirations & experiences all together knitted among the black & grey hairs. They are a lot more than craving for sweets & tangling into today’s generation thoughts, they are a lot more when they cannot find glasses & their walking sticks…They are a generation.
Hats off to all the grandparents out there. We love you Grands <3
Celebrate this Day & show your love to them. Here’s what we have for you
P.S – Grandparents can be adopted too! There are many Elderly Friends around you, go Spend good time with them & create memories. It feels good